Celebrity Endorsements

Celebrities and social media influencers promote brands, recommend products and endorse campaigns on behalf of Hurst Media. As well as appearing on social media stars’ personal profiles, all Celebrity Endorsements campaigns are supported by Celebrity Secrets‘ own Instagram, Facebook and Twitter profiles.

  • woman viewing a product endorsement by Lisa Zissman on Celebrity Secrets Instagram
  • woman viewing a product endorsement on the Celebrity Secrets Instagram on mobile
  • woman viewing a product endorsement on the Celebrity Secrets Instagram on mobile


As Hurst Media works with a large portfolio of leading celebrities and social media influencers via its flagship consumer lifestyle magazine – Celebrity Secrets – we regularly arrange a wide variety of sponsored posts, promoted updates and endorsement packages. Delivered directly from the personal social media profiles of celebrities and influencers, posts can include selfies, videos and product images as well as captions with links to advertisers websites or social profiles. Our social media stars will share and like brands’ updates and even act as ongoing brand ambassadors across all their social media platforms. The brand value added by such celebrities on social media can be a long-term marketing asset for companies, and the results from these call-to-actions often garner immediate results. Celebrity Secrets official Instagram boasts over 50,000 engaged and dedicated followers, keen to see updates from their favourite celebrities, and the various products they endorse.

Celebrity Secrets

Celebrity endorsements are particularly effective when working in partnership with the much-loved themes of the Celebrity Secrets lifestyle series. We can then give social media fans, friends and followers a look behind the scenes to learn which products, services and brands their favourite celebrities both know and love.

Consumers trust Celebrity Secrets. That trust has established a great sense of responsibility amongst both the advertising and editorial teams. Celebrity Secrets is committed to identifying and understanding the values shared by talent and brand advertisers. This ensures authentic, natural and ethical relationships resulting in the very best levels of engagement.

Connecting brands with celebrities helps consumers to live a better life by accessing the recommendations and advice of the stars they aspire to. Posts from social media stars are the perfect signpost to companies’ shop windows, building awareness of products, services and messages as well as attracting more followers to companies’ own social media profiles. 

man viewing a celebrity endorsement on the Celebrity Secrets Instagram

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